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Psalm 18≤mma=πρόγνωσις:6 Revision History

RevisionDateUserActionCommentWorld English Bible‎ / Wiki English TranslationUndo
5Wednesday, 03-Jun-2009 16:09:17 EDTtmoore1008 [Send Message]Revision of 4
which is as and (the sun)[a]—emerging like a bridegroom coming out of from his room chamber,
will exult like a strong man rejoicing giant to run his its course.
a Gk. αὐτὸς, same or it, referring to the sun (see heat, verse 7).
4Wednesday, 03-Jun-2009 16:00:18 EDTtmoore1008 [Send Message]Revision of 3
which is as And (the sun)[a]—emerging like a bridegroom coming out of from his room chamber,
will exult like a strong man rejoicing giant to run his its course.
a Gk. αὐτὸς, same or it, referring to the sun (see heat, verse 7).
3Wednesday, 03-Jun-2009 13:18:52 EDTtmoore1008 [Send Message]Revision of 2
which is as And (the sun)[a]—emerging like a bridegroom coming out of from his room,
will exult like a strong man rejoicing giant to run his its course.
a Gk. αὐτὸς, same or it, referring to the sun (see heat, verse 7).
2Wednesday, 03-Jun-2009 13:18:01 EDTtmoore1008 [Send Message]Revision of 1
which is as And (the sun)[a]—emerging like a bridegroom coming out of from his room,
will exult like a strong man rejoicing giant to run his its course.
a Gk. αὐτὸς, same or it, referring to the sun (see heat, verse 7).
1Wednesday, 03-Jun-2009 13:10:13 EDTtmoore1008 [Send Message]NEW
which is as And (the) same[a]—emerging like a bridegroom coming out of from his room,
will exult like a strong man rejoicing giant to run his its course.
a That is, the sun (see heat, verse 7).