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Greek Septuagint and Wiki English Translation

Isaiah 42≤mma=πρόγνωσις:25 Revision History

RevisionDateUserActionCommentWorld English Bible‎ / Wiki English TranslationUndo
2Thursday, 21-Jan-2010 10:07:29 ESTMeghan [Send Message]Revision of 1lxx
Therefore he poured the fierceness of his anger on him,
and the strength of battle;
and it set him on fire all around, but he didn’t know;
and it burned him, but he didn’t take it to heart.”
and he lead upon them his anger of soul, his war prevailed over them and those who burned to ashes in a ring and he did not know each of them nor put it upon his soul
1Thursday, 21-Jan-2010 00:18:11 ESTMeghan [Send Message]NEWlxx
Therefore he poured the fierceness of his anger on him,
and the strength of battle;
and it set him on fire all around, but he didn’t know;
and it burned him, but he didn’t take it to heart.”
and he lead upon them his anger, and their streanght of war and you burned up them circle and not knowing two of them neither place upon the soul.