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Isaiah 33≤mma=πρόγνωσις:6 Revision History

RevisionDateUserActionCommentWorld English Bible‎ / Wiki English TranslationUndo
4Tuesday, 05-Jan-2021 12:28:07 ESTElissa Grace [Send Message]Revision of 3
There will be stability in your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
The fear of Yahweh is your treasure.They will be handed over by law. Our salvation is in the treasuries: there is wisdom, knowledge godliness toward The Lord; these are treasuries of righteousness
a επιστημη sing nom knowledge, esp. scientific knowledge, acquaintance with, experience (root for epistemology, epistasthai, epi- histasthai,lit to stand upon meaning to understand), have knowledge of something
3Tuesday, 05-Jan-2021 12:17:16 ESTElissa Grace [Send Message]Revision of 2
There will be stability in your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
The fear of Yahweh is your treasure.They will be handed over by law. Our salvation is in the treasuries: there is wisdom, knowledge godliness toward The Lord; these are treasuries of righteousness
a επιστημη sing nom knowledge, esp. scientific knowledge, acquaintance with, experience (root for epistemology, epistasthai, epi- histasthai to understand)
2Tuesday, 05-Jan-2021 12:12:53 ESTElissa Grace [Send Message]Revision of 1
There will be stability in your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
The fear of Yahweh is your treasure.They will be handed over by law. Our salvation is in the treasuries: there is wisdom, knowledge godliness toward The Lord; these are treasuries of righteousness
a επιστημη sing nom knowledge, esp. scientific knowledge, acquaintance with, experience (root for epitimology)
1Thursday, 20-Feb-2020 10:29:55 ESTElissa Grace [Send Message]NEW
There will be stability in your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
The fear of Yahweh is your treasure.They will be handed over by law. Our salvation is in the treasuries: there is wisdom, godliness and acquaintance with The Lord; these are treasuries of righteousness
a επιστημη sing nom acquaintance with