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1 Peter 5:6 Revision History

RevisionDateUserActionCommentWorld English Bible‎ / Wiki English TranslationUndo
7Monday, 18-Jul-2011 11:23:41 EDTDarrell Smith [Send Message]Revision of 6Humble yourselves therefore So be lessened under the mighty hand of God God's hand of enduring creative control, that he may exalt lift you in (due) time;[a]
a James 4:10: Prostrate (yourselves) before the Lord, and he will lift you (WET). Cf. also Lk. 14:11, 18:14.
6Monday, 18-Jul-2011 11:04:43 EDTDarrell Smith [Send Message]Revision of 5Humble yourselves therefore So be lessened under the mighty creative control hand of God of God's hand, that he may exalt lift you in (due) time;[a]
a James 4:10: Prostrate (yourselves) before the Lord, and he will lift you (WET). Cf. also Lk. 14:11, 18:14.
5Saturday, 05-Dec-2009 10:54:02 ESTtmoore1008 [Send Message]Revision of 4Humble Prostrate (yourselves) therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt lift you in (due) time;[a]
a James 4:10: Prostrate (yourselves) before the Lord, and he will lift you (WET). Cf. also Lk. 14:11, 18:14.
4Friday, 04-Dec-2009 23:34:14 ESTtmoore1008 [Send Message]Revision of 3Humble Prostrate (yourselves) therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt lift you in (due) time;[a]
a James 4:10: Prostrate (yourselves) before the Lord, and he will lift you (WET). Cf. also Lk. 14:11.
3Wednesday, 02-Dec-2009 15:02:06 ESTtmoore1008 [Send Message]Revision of 2Humble Prostrate (yourselves) therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt lift you in (due) time;[a]
a James 4:10: Prostrate (yourselves) before the Lord, and he will lift you (WET).
2Tuesday, 11-Dec-2007 01:28:04 ESTtmoore1008 [Send Message]NEWHumble Prostrate (yourselves) therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt lift you in due time;[a]
a James 4:10: Prostrate (yourselves) before the Lord, and he will lift you (WET).
1Tuesday, 11-Dec-2007 01:23:13 ESTtmoore1008 [Send Message]NEWHumble Prostrate (yourselves) therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt lift you in due time;[a]
a See also James 4:10.